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El viento sabe que vuelvo a casa

Director: José Luis Torres Leiva
Chile 2016 | 103’
Spanish with English subtitles
In the Eighties, a young couple disappears in Chiloé in South Chile. The myth surrounding their disappearance inspires the acclaimed Chilean director Ignacio Agüero to make a documentary on it. Years later, Agüero travels to Chiloé in search of locations and actors for a fictional film, but contact with the locals and the landscape changes his preconceived notions of the film he wants to make and the tragic love story that inspired it. El viento sabe que vuelvo a casa, which made its debut at the Rotterdam Film Festival, borrows its title from a poem by Jorge Teillier. Torres Leiva’s documentary fits naturally into the film-within-a-film tradition, while retaining the director’s distinctive style of filmmaking: sensitively shooting a landscape, discovering its stories and characters and revealing the connection between small events and major social and political traumas. By featuring Agüero in his documentary, Torres Leiva acknowledges his debt to foregoing generations of Chilean directors in what can only be described as a beautiful gesture of gratitude.
Producers: Catalina Vergara
Screenplay: José Luis Torres Leiva
Cinematography: Cristian Soto
Film Editor: José Luis Torres Leiva, Andrea Chignoli
(Synopsis vom LAKINO-Filmfestival)


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