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El Clan (English)

Arquímedes Puccio (Guillermo Francella) is the head of a very busy household. There’s his adult son Alex (Peter Lanzani), a rugby player for the Argentinian national team and a bit of a local celebrity, Epifánia (Lili Popovich), his wife of many years, his three younger children, and probably also one or two members of the public, gagged and chained to an iron bed in the cellar.

The place and time is Buenos Aires in the early 1980s, in the dying days of the Galtieri dictatorship: lucrative jobs are in short supply, so Arquímedes runs a kidnapping racket to pay the bills. It’s hard to believe, but EL CLAN is based on a true story. 

Trapero’s earlier films, which include the slow-roasted female prison drama LEONERA and the multi-tiered slum thriller ELEFANTE BLANCO, have always been pulled off with a certain muscularity and verve – but there’s such an irresistible, black-hearted swagger to his latest that Martin Scorsese would immediately recognise a kindred spirit.

Pablo Trapero
Peter Lanzani, Guillermo Francella, Lili Popovich, Gastón Cocchiarale, Stefania Koessl, Giselle Motta, Franco Masini
Running time:
108 mins


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